Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Is someone born a leader or can they be developed into one?  Is leadership a personality or a trait?  What is leadership?
I believe that a leader is not born a leader, but rather a leader develops over time with the teachings and experiences that they go through throughout their life.  I do believe that being a leader is a personality and not a trait.  Leaders who lead do it unconsciously and do not lead because they have to or because a leader is needed. Being a leader shapes a persons life decisions and how they treat those they share their experiences.  Being a leader is not made of just one thing, but rather an idea derived from the Lambda Chi Alpha learning L.D.R.S.H.I.P model.
S-Service and Stewardship
P-Personal Courge
To be a leader one must live out all of these core values in their every day life.

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