Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Workout Day 1

Yesterday started my long road to being physically fit. My weight yesterday day was was 160 pounds. The first thing I decided I was going to do was eat more healthy. Then would also do 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Now physical activity doesnt only have to be working out, but it also consists of playing sports or even running or walking to class.
1. Lunch an dinner I had a bologna sandwich with cheese, some grapes, and a water. I found that after I ate it I felt less nasty and I felt more healthy just after one day of eating healthy.
2. For my first workout I ran to the gym instead of asking for a ride or walking. Then when got to the gym I met some people I knew so we could work out together. We did the following:
-3 sets of 10 reps of multiple chest strengthening exercises increasing the weight each time to where the final set of ten is difficult to achieve.
-3 sets of 10 reps of multiple leg strengthening exercises increasing he weight each time to where the final set of 10 is difficult to achieve.
-3 sets of 10 reps of multiple abdominal exercises until failure.

After I worked out I ran back to my dorm and began a well restful night followed my a good night sleep. Today I don't really feel very sore at all. I also have noticed it was easier wake up this morning for class.

Tip of the day: Run to the gym instead of walking or asking for a ride. It helps you stay warm better and you are also in the cold for a shorter amount of time. Cardio before a workout will help getting the blood flow going and also keep your muscles loose so you won't be as tight or sore the next day.

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